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适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
中等人群鼓掌的音效. 音效对电影很有用, 预告片, 卖弄风骚的, 视频项目, 广播的项目, 视频游戏, 播客和商业广告. mp3和...
销售: 1

吐出液体10音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

吐出液体7音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

吐出液体8音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
Big magic spell / energy ball blast / futuristic weapon fire / explosion.爆炸的力量, Big, 重, 灼热的, 繁荣, 原始人的影响, 大能量爆炸你可以跟我来...
Sliding a household door additional metal security gate.Closing security style metal fence sliding gateGame Sound suitable for Apps, 游戏, 漫画, TV, 电影, 广告等.1-Sliding...
适合蒙太奇, 商业视频和开场白, 科学,医疗, 技术, 旅行, 生活方式和健康视频. Also good for startup,app, promos, explainers, uplifting and inspiring...
Cinematic eerie feel scary monster vocal countdown perfect for Halloween, 恐怖电影背景, 可怕的游戏, 悬念视频博客, 恐怖的播客或有声书, 以及商业用途.
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
6 .音效

6 .音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

剪刀剪7音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
销售: 1

10种音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

剪刀剪8音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
Sound of a wooden or office chair scraping on the floor.椅子刮, 木椅动作, Drag on FloorA chair is dragged over a wooden floor making a scraping sound.1-木椅刮-...
100 High-Quality Magic Elemental Spells Effects divided in: — Dark Spell — Fire Spell — Ice Spell — Lighting Spell — Poison Spell — Rock Spell — Water Spell — Wind Spell — Each...
Sound ambience of a concert hall including sounds of symphonic orchestra tuning, as well as playing random melodies and people talking and murmuring in the background. 用于视频项目,...

剪刀剪2音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

剪刀剪4音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

强风音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...

剪刀剪5音效 by BBRealSound

适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
Cinematic eerie feel scary monster vocal countdown perfect for Halloween, 恐怖电影背景, 可怕的游戏, 悬念视频博客, 恐怖的播客或有声书, 以及商业用途.
适合蒙太奇, 商业视频和开场白, 科学,医疗, 技术, 旅行, 生活方式和健康视频. Also good for startup,app, promos, explainers, uplifting and inspiring...
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片卡通s, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...


音频内容对各种项目都很重要, 不管你是剪辑短片, 宣传片, 或者制作一款电子游戏. Recording sounds requires special knowledge and professional equipment, 就像麦克风一样, 数字音频工作站, 监控, 电缆, 等. You may also need a special studio to avoid getting any noises or unnecessary echo. Luckily, Template怪物’s human sound 效果s library includes numerous tracks for your projects. 所有 the included products are of high quality, and they sound natural.



  • 记录干净——没有任何噪音或回声;
  • Useful content only – you don’t get any intro or long silent sections;
  • Easy to modify – you may easily cut out the unnecessary part, duplicate, distort sections, 等.;
  • Compatibility – the widely used file format makes it easy to use in video or audio editing software;
  • High quality – the record includes even the slightest audio details to provide you with the authentic sound.


Template怪物’s audio library is an ideal solution for creators. The human library has various 项目 that make your project interesting and alive. You can find such assets as steps, breathing, screaming, coughing, and more. 他们是真实的和干净的. You may easily combine them to get the necessary 效果. These products are an ideal option for 视频, 预告片, commercials, 游戏s, or podcasts. 你也可以在建立网站时使用它们.

You can use these files both for commercial and non-commercial projects. Our library grows constantly, and new products appear regularly. Please consider checking our marketplace from time to time to discover new 项目 for your projects. There are free products available, but they may have the following disadvantages:

  • Bad quality – to record sound properly, you need to use high-quality or professional equipment;
  • 没有专业支持.


Our library includes multiple products, and finding the perfect one takes some time. 获取道具的过程很简单:

  • 找到符合你要求的项目. 请检查左侧面板,在那里设置过滤器. You may choose topics, the price, the download numbers, tags, 等.;
  • 打开产品页面了解更多信息;
  • You can listen to the track before buying it (press the play button icon);
  • 添加到购物车;
  • 签出;
  • 下载.



This video demonstrates a small part of the available resources. See how ambient music completes the video making it more enjoyable to watch.



To record audio clean, you need to have good equipment, which may cost a lot. You also need to know various aspects of audio recording and editing to get a perfect asset. 免费赠品可能不符合您的质量要求. 购买高级产品,您将获得一个随时可用的文件. You don’t waste your time and money on expensive equipment, a team of experts, or studio renting.


有许多应用程序可供您使用. If you are ready to spend some money, then consider using Adobe Audition or Sound Forge. Professionals use them often, and you can easily find numerous tutorials online. If you want to save your money, then consider downloading Audacity. 它是完全免费的,易于使用. It is not as advanced as paid software, but it has many useful functions.


注意左边的面板. 您可以设置多个过滤器. If you need something specific, then consider using the 搜索 bar. Don’t forget to 打击 the play button before buying anything.

How do I sell my human sound 效果 on your marketplace?

我们乐于与有才能的人合作. If you create content and want to share – please start by 成为一名作家. 别忘了检查一下 FAQ部分,在那里你可以找到重要的信息. The idea is simple – become an author, upload a product, wait for approval, sell it.